The problem

There is no denying that there is too much litter in the natural environment and it’s often as a result of tourism activity. Not only does nature suffer, but also children and wildlife.

This is where 10 Pieces can help.

The solution

10 Pieces is an environmental responsible travel initiative. More simply put, we encourage travellers to pick up 10 pieces of litter.

Whilst most travellers and tour companies follow the mantra of ‘Take only photographs, leave only footprints’, we follow the mantra ‘Take only photographs and 10 pieces of litter, leave only footprints’, taking out more than what we take in.

10 Pieces harnesses the collective power of travellers so we can make a difference and have a positive impact on the environment. We are also working to make litter collection a global movement and help educate local communities about the benefits.

We invite all travellers and group tours to get involved!

Because we believe, if we all pick up 10 pieces of litter, collectively we can make a difference.

Find out more about how 10 Pieces can help.


Founder & Director of 10 Pieces – Lisa Vitaris

Lisa Vitaris

Having a lifelong career in Marketing, Lisa understands the power of a simple message and is harnessing that to drive environmental change. Lisa believes that every traveller can make a difference just by picking up 10 pieces of litter.

As an avid traveller of over 100 countries herself, she got her hands dirty testing her initiative and researching the motivations behind litter picking as part of her Masters in International Marketing before founding 10 Pieces.

Partnering with World Expeditions and a range of other travel companies, 10 Pieces is now incorporated into many group tour trips and has also been adopted by many independent travellers.